Sunday, February 28, 2010

On the way to Port-au-Prince

2/28 Flight from Indianapolis to Miami yesterday afternoon was good. Incredible view of Miami as the plane made a round sweep over the Atlantic to land in Miami. 2.5 from INDY to MIA, 1.0 hr wait for the luggage.

Met with Reggie DesRoches, EERI recon team leader, and most of the team members over dinner. Everybody is in good spirit.

Learnt that I will be staying in the Pacot area apartment, on Rue S Chocotte, downtown area. ASCE TCLEE team will be in the same building; so will be about half of the EERI recon team. The rest will be in another apartment in Petionville district on the east. Checkout the great street maps of Port-au-Prince at .

Had to do last minute shopping (binder broke!). Taxi driver was from Haiti! Very nice man. I write more about what he said later.

Now at the Miami International airport. Two carry-ons; camera counts as third -- otherwise everything is smooth. American Airlines plane is set to take off in an hour. I shall add updates whenever I can from PaP. I am told that Internet access should be available but intermittently. We will all see. Until then.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Justin, Steve and Walter flew out of haiti, after conducting some humanitarian work.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Walter, Justin and Steve will stay one more day to collect more data and to reinstall one of the seismographic stations.  Glenn and Marc fly home in a C-17, along with members of a search and rescue team..

Monday, February 1, 2010

Justin and Walter collected data from the four installed seismographic stations.  One of the stations needs to be relocated.  Glenn met with the GEER team at the port.  Steve and Marc visited the IDEJEN nonprofit building, the CARE-Haiti compound and the Union School, which many of the children of embassy personnel attend.

The headquarters of CARE-Haiti
The IDEJEN Building.  


The European Union Building

The Union School

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunday January 31st, 2010

Walter chased the fault today, along with Major Dennis, but they never found any surface manifestation of the fault.  Justin, Steve, Glenn and Marc all traveled together to the South and West, visiting small towns near the epicenter.
Lai Bridge with damage to the shear keys.

Marines on patrol

Devastation in Leogane